Replying to comments..

This just a short post. There’s more coming soon but I just wanted to apologise if anyone has commented on or reblogged my posts, I love getting feedback on my rambling writings but I don’t always have the energy or the brainpower to reply at the time! I remember how excited I was when I got my first comment from a stranger. It made me realise that people do actually read my blog. I promised myself then I would treat every comment as if it were my first one again and I would reply promptly. However, some of you will know that hasn’t been the case. I see comments, and am still excited to read them, but then I feel too exhausted at the time to reply and I swear I will get back to that later and then I forget. Every single time. I’m sorry, but also hopefully things will change. I’m redoing my room at the moment, giving myself a proper desk for blogging and my energy is returning.  So, please, please keep commenting on my blog, I love getting comments and I will reply! Eventually…