I’m still alive

So I didn’t post last week. I was too exhausted by the end of the week to post anything on Friday, even just to post that I was too tired to post! It was a particularly stressful week. My cake and cupcake business had been invited to take part in an Edible Art Gallery. I said yes at the time because it sounded fun and exciting. I forgot about the stress I would be under. It just wasn’t a great week, I lost a full day to exhaustion on Monday, then the kitchen was too warm for one of the cakes to set properly, I spent three times as long as normal working out the maths of the design because of fibro-fog. Nothing seemed to go right. In the end I delivered one cake, whereas the original plan had included two. Thankfully it wasn’t for a paying customer, and thankfully the organiser was very understanding. I wanted to do the Tardis as well as a Dalek, but I only managed the Dalek as below!





Regular posts will resume on Friday. Unless something else happens!